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Paul Muto

President, Muto Communications

Paul Muto - President, Muto Communications

It's fair to say that I possess an in-depth working knowledge of the Consumer Electronics industry. My career started in the 80's as a salesman in hi-fi stores in the metro-NY area: Crazy Eddies, Battling Barry's, Square Deal and Designatrons to name a few.

Then nearly a decade in product development, sales and marketing roles with SHARP Electronics, JBL Loudspeaker, and Philips Consumer Electronics Company.

In 2000, I launched Muto Communications as a way for smaller CE manufacturers to benefit from my experiences launching PR and advertising campaigns. These past 12 years MutoComm's campaigns have both built and raised the brand profile of dozens of CE companies.

We work very closely with all key media outlets to generate client news that excites editors and readers alike. And I'm proud to say that our client roster is comprised of referrals from our many satisfied clients. This is based on a sincere interest in seeing our clients succeed.

I invite you to contact me and discuss your company's particular situation. I'm confident that MutoComm can help your company quickly reach its audience and build-up its brand profile.


Paul Muto, President & COO
Phone: 631.849.4301

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Muto Communications, LLC | P.O. Box 537 | Port Jefferson, NY 11777 | Tel: 631.849.4301 | email:
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